Our research focus

Our current research focus involves study of biological functions at the molecular level e.g. DNA, Genes, Expressions, and Proteins and their interactions with cognate partners.

We also do

We also work on systems and integrative aspects which emerge due to molecules and their interactions


Development of biomolecular simulation methods. Free Energy Calculation using cyclic perturbation dynamical methods. Designing of focused chemical library for combinatorial synthesis.

This group works on a wide  range of Informatics areas including Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics and  Molecular Modelling. Development of biomolecular simulation methods. Free Energy Calculation using cyclic perturbation dynamical methods. Designing of focused chemical library for combinatorial synthesis.

Developed Tools & Databases:

1. ProteinLego (http://proteinlego.indirag.org/)

Drug Discovery

Pharmacophore designing from natural product and database mining. Developing ab initio structure based multi target pharmacophore design method. Prediction of toxicity from the knowledge of chemical s

Our group works intensively on structure based drug discovey and ligand based drug discovery projects. For example, pharmacophore designing from natural product and database mining. Developing ab initio structure based multi target pharmacophore design method. Prediction of toxicity from the knowledge of chemical scaffolds.

Developed Tools & Databases:

1. PfalDB (http://pfaldb.indirag.org/)

2. ChemTB (http://chemtb.indirag.org)

3. OpenTox (https://www.opentox.net/)


Understanding the control of gene expression in slow growing bacteria and parasites for Identification of disease related targets.

Understanding the control of gene expression in slow growing bacteria and parasites. Application of ANN, HMM, GA, Fuzzy logic in prediction of gene expression. Identification of disease related targets using comparative genomics, pathway analysis and chemical feasibility. Identification of repeats related to stress & virulence in diverse biological systems.

Citations :


  1. Das, G., Das, S., Dutta, S., and Ghosh, I. (2018) In silico identification and characterization of stress and virulence associated repeats in Salmonella. Genomics. 110 , 23–34 (2018),10.1016/j.ygeno.2017.08.002 (IF: 2.91)
  2. Methylerythritol phosphate pathway to isoprenoids: Kinetic modelingand in silico enzyme inhibitions in Plasmodium falciparum. By Vivek Kumar Singh, Indira Ghosh in FEBS LETTERS (2013) .
  3. Ashraf, H., Ghosh, I., Khandekar, P., and Ayoubian, M. H. (2013) Simple sequence repeats in specific gene groups of shigella genome. IIOAB J. (IF: NA)
  4. GENFOCS – A Comparative Tool on Gene Finding with Sensitivity and Specificit , M.A. Lijo Anto, G. Gopakumar, Achuthsankar S. Nair, and Indira Ghosh in M. Elloumi et al. (Eds.): BIRD 2008, CCIS 13, pp. 509–516, 2008 , Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008.
  5. Effect of mRNA secondary structure in the regulation of gene expression: Unfolding of stable loop causes the expression of Taq polymerase E.Coli. Mandyam Alasingachar Mukund, Tanmay Banerjee, Indira Ghosh and Santanu Datta, Current Science, 1999: 76, 1486-1490
  6. Analysis of E.coli promoter structures using neural networks. Indu Mahadevan and Indira Ghosh. Nucleic Acids Research, 1994: 22 No. 11, 2158-2165.


Mapping protein structures & surfaces using fractal dimensions. Metabolomics study and systems biology in pathogen and plants. Integration of omics and data analysis, method of disease diagnostics.

Mapping protein structures & surfaces using fractal dimensions. Metabolomics study and systems biology in pathogen and plants. Integration of omics and data analysis, method of disease diagnostics.

Developed Tools & Databases:

1. CCPM (https://metabolomics.iiit.ac.in/)